Our Team

Jennifer LaFortune

Director of Client Services


  • B.S. Environmental Science, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 1990

In today’s world, a linear career path does not necessarily have the same advantages it did in previous generations. Diversity is a breeding ground for adaptability and breadth of experience – just ask anyone under 20! Like many women, I have worked to balance my roles as a wife, mother and daughter with a professional career. I am blessed with the level of personal growth that has come from this challenge. My favorite definition of wisdom: a combination of knowledge and experience. Our team is rich in both through education, and collectively, a LOT of life experience.

I joined Astoria Strategic Wealth in 2014 having accumulated 25 years of work experience in varying forms: Project Manager for an international environmental remediation firm, to Registered Dental Hygiene Practitioner when I could no longer travel and meet my responsibilities as a Mother, to Household Manager and Mother of four dynamic young ladies.

From my eclectic background, I enthusiastically bring strong organizational, managerial, communication, compliance, and client service skills to my role as Director of Client Services at Astoria Strategic Wealth. Running the daily operations of our firm is much like running the daily operations of my household of six, with the notable exception that our cohesive team never rolls their eyes at me – my teenagers have occasionally been known to do this.

Each day, I seek to provide excellent support to our highly qualified team of advisors as well as to our amazing clients who have placed their trust in Astoria Strategic Wealth.