Letter of Instruction

Final Letter of Instruction

A letter of instruction (also called a testamentary letter or side letter) is an informal, non-legal document that generally accompanies your will and is used to express your personal thoughts and directions regarding what is in the will (or about other things, such as your burial wishes or where to locate other documents). This can be the most helpful document you leave for your family members and your executor/executrix

How is a Letter of Instruction different than a will?

Unlike your will, a letter of instruction remains private. Therefore, it is an opportunity to say the things you would rather not make public.

A letter of instruction is not a substitute for a will. Any directions you include in the letter are only suggestions and are not binding. The people to whom you address the letter may follow or disregard any instructions.

Remember to date the letter, sign it, and keep it in a secure yet accessible location. Inform your executor and trusted family members of its existence and location. Review and update this letter periodically, especially after major life events.

Need help getting started with your Letter of Instruction? 

We understand that this aspect of the planning process can be challenging, and our goal is to simplify it for both our clients and their loved ones. To assist in this, we have developed a comprehensive Letter of Instruction template, which we would be pleased to provide upon request. Below is a preview of the table of contents from our Letter of Instruction template:

Incorporating a Letter of Instruction into your estate plan can provide clarity and peace of mind for your loved ones during a difficult time. It ensures that your personal wishes, from handling specific assets to caring for pets or distributing sentimental items, are carried out according to your desires. While it’s not legally binding, a well-prepared Letter of Instruction can complement your will and other estate documents, offering invaluable guidance to your family.

If you’d like to learn more, request a copy of our Letter of Instruction template, or discuss your estate and financial plan with one of our advisors, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help you take control of your future and ensure your loved ones are protected.